SCOAP3 is organized as a partnership with CERN playing the role of the Host Organisation, as it does for the large international collaborations performing experiments at the LHC collider. Currently, SCOAP3 comprises over 3,000 libraries and library consortia, universities, research institutions and funding agencies from 47 countries, regions or territories. In addition, three intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) are partners of SCOAP3: the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR).
Each country or region arranges SCOAP3 participation via one or more organisations called the “Representatives”. These organisations sign a “Memorandum of Understanding”, which is the basis of the SCOAP3 partnership. Representatives often administer the participation of their respective participating libraries, e.g. collecting the contributions to the SCOAP3 fund, and are the first point of contact for all partner institutions or other interested parties. The Representatives arrange with all institutions in the country or region their representation in the SCOAP3 Governing Council. Reflecting the diversity within the SCOAP3 partnership, some countries have more than one Representative, some regions are represented by local consortia, or institutions have joined directly, and individually, the SCOAP3 partnership.
The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research represents some of its member states: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Cuba, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Vietnam.