SCOAP3 is organizing a forum during the ACRL conference in Seattle.

The SCOAP3 initiative has so far collected pledges for a total of 7.6 Million $/year from partners in 21 countries corresponding to 59% of its worldwide budget envelope. In the U.S., a growing number of leading libraries and library consortia have already signed an Expression of Interest pledging a total of 2 Million $/year to the SCOAP3 consortium. About 1.5 Million $/year are still needed to complete the expected U.S. contribution and allow the initiative to move forward.

The forum in Seattle follows the SCOAP3 focal meeting in Berkeley and the event at ALA in Denver and aims to present an overview of the SCOAP3 initiative to U.S. librarians and provide an opportunity to delve even more deeply into the process of committing to the consortium, establishing its governing board, and the project’s conditions for the call for tender. We welcome participation of colleagues from U.S. institutions of all sizes, which have the ultimate power of making Open Access happen by pledging to redirect their current subscription to High-Energy Physics journals to the SCOAP3 consortium.

The event will take place on Saturday, March 14, 2009, noon-2pm at the Sheraton Hotel, 1400 Sixth Avenue, Issaquah room. No registration is necessary.