List of Journals Transparent CostsBenefits for Authors

SCOAP3 Journals, 2017-2024

Publishers and journals participating in the second and third phase of SCOAP3 (2017-2024) are listed below together with the number of articles funded to date (updated daily). The journals published by the American Physical Society joined SCOAP3 in January 2018.

Journals which participated in the first phase of SCOAP3 (2014-2016), are shown here.

PublisherJournalSCOAP3 Coverage*Author guidelinesNumber of articles
Jagiellonian University
Acta Physica Polonica B (APPB) is an abstracted, refereed journal published by the Jagiellonian University in cooperation with the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences. It covers the following areas of physics: General and Mathematical Physics, Particle Physics and Field Theory, Nuclear Physics, Theory of Relativity and Astrophysics as well as Statistical Physics. The journal is fully Open Access.36%APPB Guide for authors

Acta Physica Polonica B
Advances in High Energy Physics (AHEP) is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all fields of high energy physics. The journal is dedicated to both theoretical and experimental research.68%AHEP Guide for authors
Advances in High Energy Physics
Chinese Physics C (CPC) covers research into the theory, experiment and applications of particle physics, nuclear physics and astrophysics. It is published by the Chinese Physical Society with the Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, and the Institute of Modern Physics, CAS. This is a hybrid journal.44%CPC Guide for authors
Chinese Physics C
The European Physical Journal C (EPJC) presents new and original research results in theoretical physics and experimental physics, in a variety of formats, including Regular Articles, Reviews, Tools for Experiment and Theory, Scientific Notes and Letters.100%EPJC Guide for authors
European Physical Journal C
The Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) is an international, peer-reviewed, online-only, scientific journal owned by the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA - Trieste, Italy) and published by Springer.100% JHEP Guide for authors
Journal of High Energy Physics
Nuclear Physics B (NPB) focuses on the domain of high energy physics, quantum field theory, statistical systems, and mathematical physics, and includes four main sections: high energy physics - phenomenology, high energy physics - theory, high energy physics - experiment, and quantum field theory, statistical systems, and mathematical physics.
100%NPB Guide for authorsNuclear Physics B
Physics Letters B (PLB) ensures the rapid publication of important new results in particle physics, nuclear physics and cosmology. Specialized editors are responsible for contributions in experimental nuclear physics, theoretical nuclear physics, experimental high-energy physics, theoretical high-energy physics, and astrophysics.
100%PLB Guide for authorsPhysics Letters B
Physical Review C (PRC) contains research articles reporting experimental and theoretical results in all aspects of nuclear physics, including the nucleon-nucleon interaction, few-body systems, nuclear structure, nuclear reactions, relativistic nuclear collisions, hadronic physics and QCD, electroweak interaction, symmetries, and nuclear astrophysics.9%PRC Guide for authorsPhysical Review C
Physical Review D (PRD) is a leading journal in elementary particle physics, field theory, gravitation, and cosmology, appears monthly in two sections, D1 (covering experimental and theoretical particle physics as well as phenomenological aspects of quantum field theory) and D15 (covering gravitation, cosmology, astroparticle physics, formal aspects of the theory of particles and fields, and related areas).56%PRD Guide for authorsPhysical Review D
Physical Review Letters (PRL) is the world’s premier physics letter journal. It publishes short, high quality reports of significant and notable results in the full arc of fundamental and interdisciplinary physics research. PRL provides readers with the most influential developments and transformative ideas in physics with the goal of moving physics forward.13%PRL Guide for authorsPhysical Review Letters
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (PTEP) is an international Open Access journal that publishes articles on theoretical and experimental physics. PTEP is the successor to Progress of Theoretical Physics (PTP), which terminated in December 2012 and merged into PTEP in January 2013.51%PTEP Guide for authors
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
*SCOAP3 supports all research articles in journals mostly publishing High-Energy Physics content. Articles submitted by their authors to a High-Energy Physics category on are supported in other journals. The coverage in the table is the fraction of HEP articles in 2022-2023.

Transparent Costs

SCOAP3 centrally pays publishers from a common fund at CERN, to which libraries, library consortia, research institutions and funding agencies jointly contribute. To control costs, SCOAP3 and the publishers have agreed a fixed maximum yearly payment for relevant content in each journal, commensurate with an estimated number of articles. In the spirit of transparency, the maximum expenditure per three-year Phase of SCOAP3 is as folows:

  • Phase 1 (2014-2016): The total expenditure was 13.8 million Euros for 13,429 articles (a review of Phase 1 of SCOAP3 is available here)
  • Phase 2 (2017-2019): The total expenditure was 22.1 million Euros for 18,444 articles
  • Phase 3 (2020-2022): The total expenditure was 28.0 million Euros for 22,085 articles
  • Phase 3 extension (2023-2024): The Phase 3 extension will happen on the same commercial terms os the original Phase 3 with a maximum contract value of 19.3 million Euros for an estimated 15,000 articles.

USD and GBP denominated contracts converted to EUR with recent ECB reference rates

In order to incentivize the growth of journals in the discipline, commencing in Phase 3, the SCOAP3 Governing Council has agreed to allocate 2.5 million Euros of the total budget  into a Growth Account (included in the above figure). Funds in this account will be disbursed to participating publishers commensurate to the proportion of the growth attributed to their journals across Phase 3, relative to the growth of the discipline of high-energy physics during this period.

Benefits for Authors

HEP Preprint

Picture © 2015 by CERN CC-BY-SA 4.0

Authors of High-Energy Physics articles publishing in journals participating in SCOAP3 benefit from:

    • immediate Open Access;
    • no direct cost;
    • no administrative burden;
    • automatic compliance with national and institutional Open Access mandates and policies;
    • retain copyright.

The submission process itself remained unchanged with the introduction of SCOAP3 and is detailed in each journal customary ‘Author Guidelines’. Authors will not need to pay any fees to publish in a SCOAP3 journal. As an author, it is recommended to include your ORCiD in the submission process: it helps SCOAP3 partners discover and support your publications.

Populate number of article in SCOAP3 Journals, 2017-2019