SCOAP3 is pleased to announce that, through a recent Market Survey, publishing partners to accompany SCOAP3 in the implementation of its Open Access initiative have been identified.
These partners, including leading publishers of high-quality peer-reviewed journals carrying content in the field of High-Energy Physics, have agreed to the key SCOAP3 principles:
- SCOAP3 content will be made available Open Access in perpetuity, with wide re-use licenses;
- Subscription fees to journals carrying SCOAP3 content will be reduced (or eliminated if the journals become entirely Open Access) to allow libraries to re-direct these funds to SCOAP3, and package prices will be adjusted accordingly.
The publishers include: American Physical Society, Elsevier, Europhysics Letters Association, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Institute of Physics Publishing, Jagiellonian University, Nature Publishing Group, The Physical Society of Japan/Oxford University Press, SIGMA, SISSA, Societa Italiana di Fisica, Springer, World Scientific.
In the next phase of the process, an invitation to tender will be sent to the publishers, for contracts to be placed in the course of 2012, with services commencing 1 January 2013.
(List of publishers updated April 27th, 2012)