SCOAP3 Governing Council meeting December 4th 2013
The SCOAP3 Governing Council held its inaugural meeting at CERN on December 4th 2013, chaired by the CERN Director-General Rolf-Dieter Heuer. At the date of the meeting, 25 seats had beed attributed to representatives of the countries that contribute to SCOAP3 and 22 delegates participated in the meeting. Among others, the following decisions were taken, all by unanimous accord:
- Dissolve the interim committees which helped bring SCOAP3 to its official start;
- Appoint the SCOAP3 Executive Committee, including the ex-officio participation of the Governing Council Chair;
- Appoint Ralf Schimmer (Germany) as Governing Council Chair for an initial period of one year, effective from the date of the next Council meeting;
- Form two Working Groups to support the initial operation of SCOAP3: an Outreach and Communication Working Group and a Repository Steering and Support Working Group. Those will convene in early 2014, with contributors drawn from the wider membership of institutions participating to SCOAP3 in each country;
- Form a Procedures Committee with the initial remit of drafting rules of procedure for the Governing Council;
- Adjourn for a next session in Spring 2014.