
08Apr 2008

ASERL, the Association of Souteastern Research Libraries, groups 38 U.S. Universities. The Board of ASERL, has voted a resolution in support of SCOAP3. “ASERL believes SCOAP3 is animportant and useful experiment to test the feasibility of a new method for supporting theproduction costs for set of open access publications, and […] urges its members tocarefully […]

07Apr 2008

The University of Oregon has joined SCOAP3.With the University of Oregon, SCOAP3 counts already 18 U.S. institutions which have pledged to re-direct their subscriptions to High-Energy Physics journals to the initiative.About 15% of the U.S. contribution to SCOAP3 has already been collected, a number which is poised to increase in the coming weeks.

25Mar 2008

OhioLINK joins SCOAP3

March 25, 2008

OhioLINK a consortium of the libraries of 86 Ohio colleges and universities, and the State Library of Ohio, has joined SCOAP3 . Tom Sanville, Executive director of OhioLINK said: “SCOAP3, if successful, offers what we would like to all see with Open Access journals – at least a zero sum game or better. It is […]

17Mar 2008

The Johns Hopkins University has indicated its interest in participating in SCOAP3 and becomes the first institute on the U.S. East Coast to do so, stretching the SCOAP3 U.S. membership from the Atlantic to the Midwest, from the Mountains to the Pacific. In 10 days, 16 U.S. institutes have signed an Expression of Interest in […]

29Feb 2008

On February 29, 2008 the University of California at Berkeley hosted the US SCOAP3 focal meeting, aimed at fostering broad consensus and involvement from the leading US libraries and library consortia to make SCOAP3 happen. Consult the slides presented at the meeting and the list of participants and the Participating institutions. What is Open Access, […]

28Feb 2008

Caltech joins SCOAP3

February 28, 2008

The California Institute of Technology has signed an expression of interest to join SCOAP3.Caltech stated “that the High Energy Physics scientists are, indeed, taking a fresh look at the publishing cycle. Through SCOAP3, they have devised a model to put the scientific HEP community in greater control of its work. This is a refreshing and […]

28Feb 2008

IEEE announced today its interest in participating in the SCOAP3 initiative, mentioning that “SCOAP3 endorses principles such as thevalue of peer review to validate scientific research, and the need for self-sustainingbusiness models. The IEEE is keenly interested in exploringapproaches that benefit the creators and consumers of technical literature.” IEEE publishes a “broadband” journal, IEEE Transactions […]

28Feb 2008

Four U.S. National Laboratories joined SCOAP3 today. The libraries ofArgonne National Laboratory,Fermilab, Los Alamos National Laboratory andPacific Northwest National Laboratorysigned an Expression of Interest to re-direct their current subscriptions to High-Energy Physics journals to the SCOAP3 consortium. To date, fifteen libraries across the U.S. are part of SCOAP3 and more are expected to join in […]

26Feb 2008

The California Digital Library has joined SCOAP3 on behalf of the ten Campuses of UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Los Angeles, UC Merced, UC Riverside, UC San Diego, UC San Francisco, UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz. These institutes become the first to join SCOAP3 in the United States. The University of California […]