
28Apr 2009

The success of the SCOAP3 proposal depends on the full support of U.S. libraries. SPARC, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition and ACRL, the Association of College and Research Libraries, have prepared a FAQ aiming at supporting the decision-making process for additional U.S. libraries to sign an Expression of Interest in support of SCOAP3. […]

28Apr 2009

The success of the SCOAP3 initiative depends on widespread support from U.S. libraries. Over a hundred U.S. libraries have expressed their interest in supporting this transformation of scholarly communication in High-Energy Physics. SPARC, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, and ACRL, the Association of College and Research Libraries, have prepared a FAQ aiming to […]

24Apr 2009

The SCOAP3 support in the U.S. continues to grow: five universities and a consortium have signed an expression of interest pledging to re-direct to SCOAP3 their current subscriptions to HEP journals. The new SCOAP3 partners are Grand Valley State University, the Illinois Institute of Technology, the University of Arizona, the University of Illinois at Chicago, […]

03Apr 2009

Four more U.S. universities have joined the SCOAP3 initiative: Brigham Young University, the Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia State University and the University of Washington. The SCOAP3 membership in the US now counts about a hundred libraries who, either directly or through their consortia, have collectively pledged a total of 2.2 Million $/year to this […]

04Mar 2009

SCOAP3 is organizing a forum during the ACRL conference in Seattle. The SCOAP3 initiative has so far collected pledges for a total of 7.6 Million $/year from partners in 21 countries corresponding to 59% of its worldwide budget envelope. In the U.S., a growing number of leading libraries and library consortia have already signed an […]

02Mar 2009

Canada joins SCOAP3

March 2, 2009

The Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN) has expressed its interest to join SCOAP3. With Canada, the SCOAP3 membership now counts 20 countries in America, Australasia, Europe and the Middle East, as well as an increasing number of leading U.S. libraries and an international organization. These partners have collectively pledged 59% of the SCOAP3budget envelope of […]

19Feb 2009

Two U.S. universities, Oregon State and Tulane, and a U.S. consortium, Florida Center for Library Automation, which groups eleven Florida universities, have joined SCOAP3. These universities join an increasing number of institutional and consortial U.S. partners of SCOAP3 who have collectively pledged over 2 Million U.S. dollars to this Open Access initiative. In the SCOAP3 […]

14Jan 2009

Spain joins SCOAP3

January 14, 2009

The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation has expressed its interest in joining SCOAP3 and be responsible for the contribution of Spain to the consortium. With Spain, the SCOAP3 membership now consists of 20 countries in Europe, Australasia and the Middle East, as well as a large number of leading U.S. libraries and CERN, an […]

20Dec 2008

The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) and SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) are organising an information session on SCOAP3 at the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Denver. The SCOAP3 initiative has so far collected about 1/2 of its projected budget envelope in the United States, […]

12Dec 2008

The Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP3) aims to redirect the subscriptions funds used for the core journals in the field of High-Energy Physics (HEP) to make them Open Access. This initiative is much more than a one-discipline-only solution to the nested issues of Open Access and subscriptions, it aims to […]