
04Jun 2012

As SCOAP3 moves forward with the implementation of its Open Access initiative, CERN is now hiring a SCOAP3 Consortium and Operation Manager. The successful candidate will lead the formation of the SCOAP3 Consortium with its governance structure and through agreements among all participants and will in parallel oversee the preparation of a detailed operational and […]

01Jun 2012

SCOAP3 is pleased to announce that it has issued its Invitation to Tender to the leading publishers of high-quality peer-reviewed journals carrying content in the field of High-Energy Physics, who had previously agreed to the key SCOAP3 principles in a qualifying market survey This process is the culmination of one year of work, during which […]

27Apr 2012

The SCOAP3 process has advanced steadily and methodically in recent months. Recently, leading publishers of high-quality peer-reviewed journals carrying content in the field of High-Energy Physics have expressed their intention to accompany SCOAP3 in the implementation of its Open Access initiative. Key SCOAP3 principles are perpetual Open Access, wide re-use licenses, and reduction and re-direction […]

20Jan 2012

SCOAP3 is pleased to announce that, through a recent Market Survey, publishing partners to accompany SCOAP3 in the implementation of its Open Access initiative have been identified. These partners, including leading publishers of high-quality peer-reviewed journals carrying content in the field of High-Energy Physics, have agreed to the key SCOAP3 principles: SCOAP3 content will be […]

22Sep 2011

The SCOAP3 partnership is moving towards the implementation of its Open Access initiative. An international team of experts from institutions participating in SCOAP3 has prepared a detailed description of the peer-review and open access services that the consortium intends to purchase through high-quality peer-reviewed journals, the conditions for the provision of these services and the […]

21Sep 2011

The High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), National Institute of Informatics (NII) and Coordinating Committee for Japanese University Libraries (CCJUL) have jointly established a partnership withthe SCOAP3 initiative. Following the earlier support of the Japanese scientific community, KEK, NII and CCJUL have jointlypledged financial support for the Japanese share of the SCOAP3 budgetenvelope. The partnership […]

21Jul 2011

At a recent meeting of the SCOAP3 partnership, a consensus decision was reached to move this initiative forward toward its implementation phase. A crucial step of this process will be an invitation to the potential SCOAP3 publishing partners to tender for the peer-review, Open Access and other editorial services for the field of High-Energy Physics. […]

12Apr 2011

On April 6th 2011 representatives from institutions in the global SCOAP3 partnership convened to assess the progress of this Open Access initiative. Large publishers in the field, APS, Elsevier, IOPp, SISSA and Springer, shared their opinions on the SCOAP3 model and their intention to participate in a SCOAP3 tender aiming to convert to Open Access […]

23Mar 2011

Korea joins SCOAP3

March 23, 2011

The Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI) has joined the SCOAP3 consortium on behalf of Korea, the first Asian partner in this international Open Access initiative. With Korea, SCOAP3 has established partnerships in 27 countries in Africa, America, Asia, Europe and Oceania. These partners have collectively pledged 73% of the SCOAP3 budget envelope […]